..."FOREVER AMAZON...",created by the artist Ana Mendina is inspired by the iconography art of some indigenous peoples from Roraima, as the Yanomami, Wai Wai and macuxi "...Forever Amazon... " brings to the federal capital the beauty of wilderness and cultural richness found in the brazilian forest and it´s people.
The Memorial will host 15 days the work of the artist that brings 15 paintings in acrilic and her personal collection of handmade indigenous art. The exibition will also include the special participation of the Yanomami lider and medicine man Davi Kopenawa bringing his sacred messages from the forest.
The photographer Andrezza Mariot presents the documentary "ÏïÑÎ Macuxi- and a photography exibition from the ancient Macuxi clay pot making techniques ; Eco-designer Irmânio Magalhães and sculptor Jamaika bringing both parts produced woodcrafts and sculptures through the reuse of wood ; Terêncio Fox, a native macuxi artisan showing his ancient clay pot making products;
Photos of the exibition" Children of Macunaima" , Yanomami moments by the phographer Jorge MAcedo also be exposed.
This is the second edition of"...Forever Amazon..". In july this year the exibition was launched in Boa Vista-RR/ Brazil.
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